Archive for October, 2008

No Doubt Marketing Will Rip You Off

October 11, 2008

I constantly get emails and notes from people who read my post about No Doubt Marketing on my personal blog.  No doubt people are finding it because they are doing their fiduciary duty and checking out vendors through simple Google searches.  You’d be amazed at how many people come across my website looking for information on this SEO company.  My search logs are full

I’ve already detailed my experience with Justin Stewart of No Doubt Marketing on  my blog so I won’t rehash the details here but please heed the advice:  stay away from this kid and his company.  My experience tells me that he is not to be trusted.  He repeatedly lied to me and withheld money from me.  When I approached him about the money he owed me he became offended and aggitated.

It appears that Justin knows a little bit about SEO but, in reality, he is offering a niche product that is a poor substitute for real search engine optimization.

Hello world!

October 11, 2008

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!